Frequently Asked Questions

  • We understand that most of our customers are busy daily and may not always be home – that’s one of the reasons why you need a cleaning service after all! Your presence is not required during the house cleaning. Most of our clients provide us with access to their houses during their absence

  • We ask our clients to pick up household items, such as clothing and toys. Our goal is to clean your home as efficiently as possible; therefore we want to keep our attention on all surfaces, making your house clean and fresh!

  • Doing laundry, ironing, and folding

    Picking up, removing, or organizing clutter

    Washing dishes

    Cleaning toys

    Cleaning inside of fireplaces

    Dusting/vacuuming curtains or drapes

    Cleaning TV or other screens (we only dust these surfaces)

    However, additional services such as cleaning inside of the kitchen appliances are available – remember to ask us before your cleaning appointment so that we can reserve more time for you! Because of safety reasons we do not clean or dust any wires and/or pipes.

  • We are aware that sometimes unexpected situations may present. If something comes up, please call the office and notify us at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. When we receive a shorter notice, we will charge a cancellation fee.

  • Usually we give a 15-30 min window for a time of arrival. However, sometimes the time of your cleaning appointment may change, because of unexpected late notice cancellations etc. We will do our best to notify you about these changes as soon as possible. Please remember that these changes are out of our control.

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